Wednesday 5 February 2025 - 12:53
Similarity (matching) report
Templates & Forms

Thesis & Dissertation Office offers the following services to students at Khatam University.


Proposal Submission


  • Assigning, reviewing, and updating professors’ supervision slots on IUMS;


  • Assigning, reviewing, and updating professors’ co-supervision slots on IUMS;


  • Reviewing and confirming students’ proposals on IUMS;


  • Reviewing and making decisions on students’ IranDoc letters;


  • Issuing reference letters for data collection, including questionnaire administration and interviews, throughout the process of students’ thesis development;


  • Responding to students’ inquiries regarding their proposal status via phone and email.


Viva Voces


  • Assisting students with the paperwork and reviewing the educational history of applicants prior to the viva session. This includes authenticity checks, special permits, and double-checking passed courses;


  • Reviewing the status of submitted theses based on national regulations pertaining to time limitations and similarity reports;


  • Issuing viva permits on IUMS after performing final controls;


  • Assigning date and time to viva sessions;


  • Preparing and handling thesis committee approval documents;


  • Responding to students’ inquiries regarding the formalities of defense sessions via phone and email.




  • Collecting and controlling viva documents, obtaining authorities’ confirmation, and filing paperwork;


  • Issuing thesis committee certificates;


  • Handling payments to supervisors and examiners;


  • Preparing viva session reports by the end of each semester;


  • Registering thesis evaluation scores on IUMS;


  • Reviewing and controlling post-viva revisions to students’ theses and dissertations;


  • Submitting and confirming final thesis files on IranDoc;


  • Reviewing and confirming students’ theses and dissertations prior to graduation;


  • Responding to students’ inquiries regarding post-viva affairs via phone and email.

Thesis & Dissertation Style Guide


This guide presents the standard format for a thesis or dissertation at Khatam University. 




Download (WORD Format)

Download (PDF Format)


Thesis & Dissertation Style Sheet 



APA Style Sheet

All research affairs at Khatam University are conducted through IUMS system at iums.khatam.ac.ir

Start login process by entering username and password.

 In first login or in case of forgotten password, enter national ID number as the username, and then recover the password.


Select the Supervisor


  • Confer with the Head of the Department on the matter, as the first step.


  •  Enter Khatam IUMS system, click on the menu bar in the upper right corner and proceed through the following path: Menu Bar ----> Education Management ----> Thesis & Dissertation Management ----> Select the Supervisor (It should be noted that you will enter the menu bar only when selecting the supervisor, and afterward, all relevant matters will be displayed on your Dashboard (the second circle from above is your Dashboard).



  • First select the research field, then search and select the name of the intended professor and finally click on Register and Send. (If there is a co-supervisor: below the supervisor’s row, click on the + symbol and choose their name).


  • If confirmed by the supervisor(s), the student is able to enter the next stage.



Register and Edit a Research Proposal


  • Now the item Register a Proposal is visible on your Dashboard;


  • Click it and complete the starred sections as accurately as possible;


  • Upload a list of related studies on your topic obtained from IranDoc (Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and technology) together with your research proposal in PDF and WORD formats, then click on Register and Send;


  • If approved by the supervisor(s), the proposal will be visible for the Head of the Department on their Dashboard;


  • If also approved by the Head, the date of approval will be finalized and you will enter the next stage (The student will be able to defend within 6 months from the date at a minimum).




Register and Edit the Proposal on IranDoc


  • At this stage an item is displayed on your Dashboard: Register the Proposal on IranDoc Website;


  • Once it is registered, you receive a tracking code;


  • Upload the code along with an image of your IranDoc page to the IUMS, then click on Register and Send;


  • If you are granted an approval you will enter the next stage.




Register and Edit Thesis Progress


  • Here the item Register and Edit Thesis Progress will be displayed on your Dashboard;  


  • If prepared for thesis defense at the discretion of the supervisor(s), the student is required to upload the following documents: the finalized copy of their thesis, the article extracted from the thesis (if any) and a matching report from IranDoc (to provide an overall matching percentage which indicates how much of the submitted thesis matches existing sources in the available datasources), with less than 30% matching percentage accepted (this can be 25% for Industrial engineering department);


  • Then click on Register and Send;


  • Once you click on Send, the thesis will be displayed for the supervisor(s);


  • When in the judgement of the supervisor(s) the thesis is ready and complete for the defense, they must report the overall progress percentage as 100%;


  • As the next stage, the student’s financial, educational and research files are reviewed by the Thesis Supervisor, and in case of no defects and debts, it will be approved and sent to the Head of the Department;


  • As a final step a reviewer is appointed and a permit will be issued for the defense session by the head of the department.




Proposing a Date and Time for Defense to Your Supervisor(s) and Reviewers


  • Here an item will be displayed on your Dashboard: Propose a date and time for defense to your Professors;


  • Once you click it, you see a list of names and numbers belonging to your professors (it is crucial for the student to contact the supervisor(s) and reviewers during office hours in order to send them the thesis file before the defense session and also to coordinate the day and time of the session);


  • Then, at the bottom of the same page, download and receive the Thesis Defense Scheduling Form;


  • After completion, upload the form and then click on Register and Send;


  •  The student is required to upload, register and send the Thesis Defense Scheduling Form one week prior to the session. Otherwise, it will not be possible to hold a defense session;


  •  Once the form is sent, the time and place of the defense session are registered on the IUMS;


  • The student will receive a text message stating the day, time and place of the defense;


  • After the defense session, the student is required to study Graduation Protocols & Procedures on the main website of the university and take action toward graduation affairs accordingly.




PDF File

Guide to Similarity Check


List of Supervisors’ Codes for Similarity Check Purposes



Word Template

PDF Template

Monthly Progress Report


Article Evaluation Form


Thesis Title Modification Form


Proposal Templates in Different Majors



English Language Department




Management & Accounting


Psychology & Education


Industrial Engineering


Other Majors


Architecture-All subfields  
Architecture-Project Management