Thursday 13 March 2025 - 04:05

Course Headings

Start DateInstructorTimeHeadings
August 17Dr. Vahid Hajipour (Fanap)7Basics of data science
August 24Dr. Mohammad Amini (Fanap)28Python in data science
September 28Vahid Amiri (University Instructor)21Mass data
October 23Dr. Mohammad Reza Mohammadi (Faculty member of the university of Science and Technology)25Machine Learning
November 20Dr. Mohammad Amini (fanap)17Deep Learning
-Total hours: 98



Advantages of the course

  • The presence of top professors in the field of data science from Fanap and several universities of the country;
  • Familiarity with practical projects in the industry;
  • Virtual training and access to the video files of the sessions throughout the course;
  • A consistent learning path to learn the concepts, techniques and specialized tools of data science related fields.


Course prerequisites

  • Having at least a bachelor's degree (or final year undergraduate students) in a related field or at least one year of related work experience (if the above conditions are not met, a specialized interview will be conducted with candidates to enter the course);
  • Familiarity with statistical topics and basic knowledge of programming languages.


Course certificate

At the end of the course, all participants will be awarded a valid certificate from the Center for Specialized Training and Skill Development of Khatam University and a certificate from the Fanap Research Center (in English).


Note: This course is open to the public.


Tuition fee and course timeline

Method of conducting the courseVirtual
Installment method2.5 million remaining cash paid through two cheques


Discount (%)Type 
10Time-wiseUp to ten days before the beginning of the course
UniversityOther universities
Organization-wiseLetter of introduction for organizations and more than 3 people
15Khatam University's studentsBy presenting a valid student ID card
Pasargad Bank Financial GroupRecruitment order



The method of Conducting the course:



Day and hours of the event:

Monday (16 to 19)

Thursday (9 to 13)


Registration method:

Registration is done through Khatam University's website. To get more information about the registration process, you can contact the center of specialized training and skill development through the following communication methods.


Phone: 021-89174921-3

Instagram: khatamuniversity.training
