Special Terms and Privileges Announced for Computer Engineering BSc Students at Khatam University in 2022
Published: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
These terms and privileges include:
- Exemption from paying tuition fees in the first semester for national ranks of 1 to 2000 (continuation depends upon obtaining a GPA of 17 or higher).
- Scholarship for national ranks of 1 to 500 (continuation depends upon obtaining a GPA of 17 or higher).
- Welfare facilities (including dormitories, transportation and meals) for students coming from cities other than Tehran with total national ranks of 1 to 200.
- Students who wish to carry out specific projects in the subsidiary companies of Fanap Holding can apply for the companies' specialized scholarship (conditions of which will be announced subsequently).
- Qualified students can visit the Department of Computer Engineering webpage, or, to obtain further information.
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